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You Are A BADASS!!!

You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero is by far one of my favorite books. I could write a 20 page paper reviewing my takeaways, my understanding of the book and how much her message has helped me. I will spare you my dissertation and instead provide some of the key highlights that are permanently ingrained in my brain.

1. Affirmations

I have always believed that you should talk about yourself in a positive way. We can be our own worse critic and some of the things we say to ourselves we would never say to someone else....but boy, do we beat ourselves up!

Jen highlights in the book "When we're happy and all in love with ourselves, we can't be bothered with the bullshit (our own or other's people's).". After reading through this chapter (Chapter 6), I became aware of the negative things I would say and immediately replaced them with a positive message. For example, when I started beating myself up for waiting until the last minute to get something done and telling myself I am a big procrastinator, I told myself I am proactive and accomplish tasks ahead of schedule. Gold star for me today! What message could you rewrite about yourself?

2. Mediation

Meditation is about receiving information. Prayer is about sending information. I have always believed in the power of meditation. I understand the importance of being quiet and clearing your thoughts. It is a challenge though. The biggest challenge for me is that I tried to make meditation this grand, 30 minutes of quiet stillness, fully in the zone. Jen breaks down the process of meditating in a simple and funny way. She acknowledges the awkward moments of silence and thoughts drifting. What she also does is open your mind up to the power of mediating and walks you through an introduction process so you can hear what the universe is trying to say. What questions are you asking the universe to answer? Be quiet and let GOD speak.

3. Love Yourself

If she said it once, she said it a thousand times-LOVE YOURSELF! Not only was it an action item in the beginning of the book but she maintained this as a requirement in all other action items throughout every other chapter. Jen writes about how important it is for us to see the beauty in ourselves. Our uniqueness, our gifts, our control over our destiny and our self worth. Becoming a BADASS, or rather owning that you ARE a Badass is the ultimate in self-love. She inspires, encourages and motivates us with every word along the way. Why wouldn't you love yourself? You are the best thing you have to yourself and the world!

As I mentioned before, I could on and own with takeaways from every chapter. The 3 I write about are those that really stood out and opened my mind in a positive way. When we open ourselves up to personal growth, we receive the message that is most relevant to us at that time in our lives. As you read You Are A Badass, your takeaways may be the same or completely different. The key thing is we all move forward and unlock the power in our lives that is waiting to manifest!

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